21 Ways to Listen to Your Music

There may be 85+ ways to visualize your music, but there are also 21 ways to listen to it. This is the first of what will be a series of posts summarizing some of the content of my PhD thesis. My whole thesis will eventually be available here after my viva.

I’ve gathered a list of interfaces that help explore a collection of audio. The primary focus is on interfaces which use spatial audio, but I have included some interfaces with interesting design ideas that don’t use spatial audio though use audio playback in an innovative way. The earliest work focuses on efficiently browsing speech signals while later work focuses on presenting multiple music streams at the same time, usually by sonifying a 2D arrangement of music. Some of the most recent work looks at using virtual 3D worlds to explore music as an individual or collaboratively.

There are more than 21 publications listed here because there are multiple publications describing the same interface. More discussion of these interfaces to follow in later posts.

[] Piotr D. Adamczyk.
Seeing sounds: exploring musical social networks.
In MULTIMEDIA ’04: Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM
International Conference on Multimedia
, pages 512-515, New York, NY, 2004.
[  doi ]
[] S. Ali and P. Aarabi.
A cyclic interface for the presentation of multiple music files.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 10(5):780-793, August 2008.
[ doi ]
[] Barry Arons.
SpeechSkimmer: interactively skimming recorded speech.
In UIST ’93: Proceedings of the 6th annual ACM symposium on User
interface software and technology
, pages 187-196, 1993.
[  doi ]
[] Barry Arons.
Speechskimmer: a system for interactively skimming recorded speech.
ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., 4(1):3-38, 1997.
[  doi ]
[] Eoin Brazil and Mikael Fernström.
Audio information browsing with the sonic browser.
In The Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory
. IEEE, 2003.
[ doi ]
[] Eoin Brazil, Mikael Fernström, George Tzanetakis, and Perry R. Cook.
Enhancing sonic browsing using audio information retrieval.
In ICAD ’02, Kyoto, Japan, July 2002.
[ pdf ]
[] Graham Coleman.
Mused: Navigating the personal sample library.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 27/08/2007 2007.
[  pdf ]
[] Mikael Fernström.
Reflections on Sonic Browsing: Comments on Fernström and
McNamara, ICAD 1998.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2(4):500-504, October
[ doi ]
[] Mikael Fernström and Eoin Brazil.
Sonic browsing: an auditory tool for multimedia asset management.
In ICAD ’01, Espoo, Finland, August 2001.
[ pdf ]
[] Mikael Fernström and Caolan McNamara.
After direct manipulation – direct sonification.
In ICAD ’98, 1998.
[ pdf ]
[] Jakob Frank, Thomas Lidy, Ewald Peiszer, Ronald Genswaider, and Andreas Rauber.
Ambient music experience in real and virtual worlds using audio similarity.
In AME ’08: Proceeding of the 1st ACM international workshop on
Semantic ambient media experiences
, pages 9-16, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, 2008.
[ doi ]
[] Jeffrey D. Goldenson.
Beat browser.
Master’s thesis, MIT, 2007.
[ pdf ]
[] Masatoshi Hamanaka and Seunghee Lee.
Music Scope Headphones: natural user interface for selection of music.
In ISMIR’06, 2006.
[ pdf ]
[] Sebastian Heise, Michael Hlatky, and Jö Loviscach.
Aurally and visually enhanced audio search with SoundTorch.
In Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI, Boston, MA, USA,
April 2009.
[ doi ]
[] Sebastian Heise, Michael Hlatky, and Jörn Loviscach.
SoundTorch: Quick browsing in large audio collections.
In AES 125th International Conference, San Francisco, CA,
October 2008.
[ aes e-library ]
[] Wilko Heuten, Niels Henze, and Susanne Boll.
Interactive exploration of city maps with auditory torches.
In CHI’07, San Jose, CA, USA, April 2007.
[ doi ]
[] Jarmo Hiipakka and Gaëtan Lorho.
A spatial audio user interface for generating music playlists.
In ICAD ’03, Boston, MA, USA, July 2003.
[ pdf ]
[] Peter Knees, Markus Schedi, Tim Pohle, and Gerhard Widmer.
An innovative three-dimensional user interfacefor exploring music collections enriched with meta-information from the web.
In ACM Multimedia, 2006.
[ doi ]
[] Minoru Kobayashi and Chris Schmandt.
Dynamic Soundscape: mapping time to space for audio browsing.
In CHI’97, March 1997.
[ bib ]
[] Dominik Lübbers.
Sonixplorer: Combining visualization and auralization for content-based exploration of music collections.
In ISMIR’05, London, UK, 2005.
[ pdf ]
[] Dominik Lübbers and Matthias Jarke.
Adaptive multimodal exploration of music collections.
In ISMIR’09: 10th International Society for Music Information
Retrieval Conference
, pages 195-200, Kyoto, Japan, 2009.
[ pdf ]
[] Steffen Pauws, Don Bouwhuis, and Berry Eggen.
Programming and enjoying music with your eyes closed.
In CHI ’00: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human
factors in computing systems
, pages 376-383. ACM, 2000.
[ doi ]
[] Chris Schmandt.
Audio Hallway: a virtual acoustic environment for browsing.
In ACM UIST, San Francisco, CA, 1998.
[ pdf ]
[] Chris Schmandt and Mullins. Atty.
AudioStreamer: exploiting simultaneity for listening.
In CHI’95, May 1995.
[ doi ]
[] Rebecca Stewart, Mark Levy, and Mark Sandler.
3D interactive environment for music collection navigation.
In DAFX ’08, Helsinki, Finland, September 2008.
[ pdf ]
[] George Tzanetakis and Perry R. Cook.
MARSYAS3D: a prototype audio browser-editor using a large scale
immersive visual and audio display.
In ICAD ’01, Espoo, Finland, August 2001.
[ pdf ]

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